Thursday 2.9.2023

Coach’s Notes: Heavy Deadlifts

We talked last week about heavy Back Squats, and the need for focusing on bracing the spine as you complete your reps. For the Deadlift, consider this to be even more true.

Because our initial lift of the bar starts from the floor, we are going from holding zero weight to, very rapidly, being loaded with what can very well be a lot. This means that we need to create adequate tension through our midline BEFORE we initiate our pull from the floor. If we cannot do this, we cannot lift the weight. Period.

Whether you are following “Fitness” or “Performance,” your goal is to lift the most weight possible WITHOUT losing position, meaning that your torso should remain neutral, and not go into flexion through the lumbar spine.

Don’t worry, we will spend plenty of time drilling this and warming up in class before you get up to any weight that might challenge this!


A. Take 15 minutes to build to today's 3-RM Deadlift

Build only as heavy as proper posture and mechanics will allow. If you start to lose engagment through your midline at any point, terminate the set.


Three sets of:
Deadlift x 6-8 reps @ 20X1*
Rest 30 seconds
Goblet Lateral Box Step Ups x 8-10 reps/leg
Rest 30 seconds
Bottom's Up Kettlebell Carry x 60-ft each arm
Rest 30 seconds
Double-Under Practice x 45-60 seconds
Rest 60 seconds

*Build in load as mechanics allow, starting at 6/10 effort, and building to an 8/10 by third and final set

B. In teams of two, complete three sets for max reps/calories of:
2 Minutes of Toes to Bar or Hanging Knee Tucks
2 Minutes of Alternating Dumbbell Snatches (50/35 lb)
2 Minutes of Row, Bike, or Ski Erg (for Calories)
Rest 2 minutes

Partners can switch from working to resting as they see fit.


Eight to Ten sets of:
45 Second Run
Rest 15 seconds
45 Second Ski
Rest 15 seconds
45 Second Echo Bike
Rest 75 seconds


Friday 2.10.2023


Wednesday 2.8.2023