Tuesday 10.22.2024
A. Three sets, not for time (12-15 minutes) of:
10-12 Supine Ring Rows @ 2111
40-60 Second Wall Facing Handstand Hold
30-40 Second L-Sit or Tuck Sit Hold
(accumulate the time if you’re unable to maintain this position unbroken)
B. Same as "Performance"
A. Three sets, not for time (12-15 minutes) of:
3-8 Ring Muscle-Ups or Low Ring Muscle-Up Transitions (progress these up with feet on box)
30-50 foot Handstand Walk
30-40 Second L-Sit Hold
(accumulate the time if you’re unable to maintain this position unbroken)
B. Against a 6-minute clock, complete:
Calorie Bike Erg
*6 Toes to Bar after each set
Rest 2 minutes, then...
Against a 6-minute clock, complete:
Calorie Ski
*6 Box Jumps (step down) after each set
Rest 2 minutes, then...
Against a 6-minute clock, complete:
Calorie Row
*6 Burpees after each set
40 minutes @continuous effort:
800m Echo Bike or Bike Erg
10 No-Push-up Burpees (sprawls)
200 Meter Run or Row
15 Hollow Rocks
40 Double-Unders or 80 Singles