Olympic Weightlifting WEek 5
*We are transitioning into our final 3 weeks of the cycle, putting the focus on the full lifts from the floor, and accumulating a ton of great reps at increasing percentages over the coming weeks in preparation of our re-test!
*Please check out this post on how to follow the workouts
Week 5 Day 1 (Sunday 4.10.2022)
A. Snatch ; 75%x3x3; 80%x2x2
B. Split Jerk; 75%x3x3; 80%x2x2
C. Snatch Deadlift; 105%x5x3 (**3-second pause at 1” off the floor on the first 2 reps of each set)
D. Core/Accessory (coach’s choice)
Week 5 Day 2 (Optional):
A. Power Snatch + Snatch Push Press + Overhead Squat; 70%x3+3+3 x 5 sets (err on the lighter side here, focus on solid positions)
B. Clean; 75%x3x2; 80%x2x2
C. Clean Pull; 90%x3x3
D. (Optional Accessory) 2-3 rounds of:
Dual KB Bottoms Up Rack Carry x 40-60 seconds
Face Up Chinese Plank x 30-40 seconds
Week 5 Day 3 (Thursday 4.14.2022):
A. Clean & Jerk; 75%x2+1, 80%x1+1x2, 85%x1+1x3
B. Snatch Pull; 100%x2, 105%x2, 110%x2x3
C. Front Squat w/3-second pause in the bottom; 3 sets to find a heavy triple
D. Core/Accessory (coach’s choice)