Monday 8.14.2023


A. Three sets of:
Half Kneeling Landmine Press x 6-8 reps each arm @ 21X1
Rest 30 seconds
Front Foot Elevated Single Leg Glute Bridges x 8-10/side @ 20X1
Rest 30 seconds
Banded Overhead Tricep Extensions x 15-20 reps @ 10X0
Rest 30 seconds
Superman Hold x 20-30 seconds
Rest 30 seconds

B. Same as "Performance"


A. Five sets of:
Snatch x 1.1.1
(Rest 5-10 seconds between singles)
Rest 2 minutes

Suggested loading (by %): 60; 70; 70-75; 75-80; tough triple

Base your %'s off of your heavy single from 8.4.2023

B. Every minute, on the minute, for 16 minutes (4 sets):
Minute 1 — 8-12 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches (as heavy as possible)
Minute 2 — 30 Second Row @ very high effort (track Calories here)
Minute 3 — 8-12 Strict Handstand Push-ups (or Piked Handstand Push-ups or Dumbbell Z-Presses)
Minute 4 — 30 Second Hollow Hold or Weighted Hollow Hold

*Use the first station to work on cycling a heavier Dumbbell than you might be accustomed to using in conditioning workouts. If you are able to get 12 reps with ease, go up in load on the next set.


Seven to nine sets for times:
21 Calorie Ski
15 Calorie Bike
9 Calorie Row

Rest 90 seconds b/t sets

*Each set, you will rotate the order of the machines, and keep the calorie counts the same, ie:

Round 2:
21 Calorie Row
15 Calorie Ski
9 Calorie Bike
Round 3:
21 Calorie Bike
15 Calorie Row
9 Calorie Ski
Round 4: same as Round 1, etc.


Tuesday 8.15.2023


Saturday 8.11.2023